Charter Review Workshop in Tequesta Village Hall


JIC Residents:

Strong resident sentiment to explore changing JIC’s Town Charter from a strong- mayor system to a commission- manager system prompted discussion at the June 12 Commission meeting. Following the discussion, Mayor Block asked that an exploration be undertaken. Resident Janet Saura, a lawyer, volunteered to work with other residents and Town Attorney Bill Doney to create the Draft Charter attached.

The Draft Charter will be discussed at a public Workshop on September 13 at 6 pm at The Village of Tequesta Council Chambers, 345 Tequesta Drive, Tequesta. (JIBC not available.) There will be a Zoom option available

Also attached is an FAQ to provide information in an accurate, fair, and impartial manner concerning the proposed ballot question pertaining to the revision of the Town Charter from a “Strong Mayor” model to a “Manager-Commission” form of government. It is not the purpose of this FAQ to advocate either passage or denial of passage of the proposed Charter amendment.

Residents are encouraged to review the attached Draft Charter and FAQ prior to the September 13 Workshop. The Draft Charter will be on the agenda for a vote at the second September Commission meeting on September 25. If passed, there will be a voter referendum on the Draft Charter at the March 18, 2024, election.

Attachments: Draft Charter and FAQ on the Draft Charter

Meeting ID: 585 628 8134

Passcode: 3787